Sunday, February 19, 2012


Well, now that you have seen our first project, I am going to introduce us!  This is my husband Todd and me, Andrea.  We have been married for almost 3 years.  We are both love to be creative, just in our own ways.  My other blog, Andrea B. Lewis Creations, demonstrates my creativity with decorating vases and other pieces of glass.  Todd adds the manliness.  He is very talented in wood working and any other house project you could imagine.  His philosophy is, "As long as you have the right tool, anything is possible."  We have worked on other projects together, but I think (and this may change) that I am going to save this blog for all of our repurposed projects.  There's a little part of me, okay a big part of me, that loves to save things!  My mom deems me a hoarder and I promise it's not that bad!!!  The floor of my house is still visible!  Anyways...please enjoy this blog dedicated to combining Pinterest ideas, our own creative juices, and Todd's incredible talents!

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